講師 | 内海 悠二 准教授 |
開講部局 | 国際開発研究科 2023年度春学期 |
対象者 | 国際開発研究科 博士前期課程 |
This course aims to increase students’understanding on the concept, practice and methodology of education policy planning andassessment in the area of educational development.
The course provides not only the theoretical overview of educational development planning and assessment, but also reviews practicalsteps to prepare for a national education strategic plan (NESP) and to assess the NESP implementation in a country. After reviewing thescope and dimension of education policies, the course further discusses the structure, formulation process and practical issues of NESPpreparation which varies by the country’s context and situation, as well as the concepts and calculation methods of key educationindicators. The course further introduces the methodologies of major assessment analysis used as a tool of policy/project assessment inboth practical and academic fields.
本授業の英語ページはこちら:Educational Development Planning and Evaluation
At the end of this course, students are expected to be able to understand the concept of educational development planning andassessment, to calculate major educational indicators, to explain each component of NESP, and to develop basic shape of NESP withsupport of experts.
Session 1: Introduction and Overview
Session 2&3: Trend of Educational Development Framework and Target Indicators
Session 4: What is the Education Development Planning and Assessment?
Session 5: How is the Education Policy Processed?
Session 6&7: Education Sector Analysis and Education Indicators
Section 8&9: Priorities & Strategies, Activity and Operational Plan
Session 10: Coordination Mechanism and M&E Framework
Session 11: Costing and Financing Plan
Session 12&13: Practical Method of Financial Simulation Model
Session 14: Project/Policy Assessment Methodology I
Session 15: Wrap up of the course
Grades are based on every class participation (20%), weekly assignment (30%), and final individual paper (50%).
Credit is given to C- (C if applicable) or higher grade for each criterion.
Textbooks: No specific textbook will be used in this course. Lecture materials will be provided in each session if necessary.
Session 4: What is the Education Development Planning and Assessment?
Session 5: How is the Education Policy Processed?
Section 8&9: Priorities & Strategies, Activity and Operational Plan
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July 13, 2023