
講師伊東早苗 教授
開講部局国際開発研究科 2015年度 前期
対象者国際協力専攻 (2単位週1回全15回)


This lecture series will introduce students to basic theories and approaches in international development. We will begin by examining how development has been defined, measured, and approached by the development community. This is followed by the review of classical theories of development that examine the roles of the market and the state in promoting development. We will try particularly to understand theories about modernization and underdevelopment, the two major currents of thought that explore the causes of why nations stay poor. We will then look at development actors, i.e., foreign donors, aid recipients, international financial institutions, the United Nations, multinational corporations, and civil society organizations. Lastly, we will discuss some of the current issues in international development: environment, rural and urban development, and health. By the end of this course, students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of the evolution of development theories and to enhance their ability to articulate their views concerning current development issues.


本授業は開発社会学というタイトルですが、開発問題に関わる理論の歴史的な系譜や基礎的な概念について教えています。学生の半数以上は世界各国の留学生です。個人差もありますが、留学生は一般に、出身国に関わらず、疑問点や自分の意見を積極的に表明することに慣れています。一方、日本人学生は発言が少ないため、両者のバランスをとるために工夫が必要です。授業で取り扱う課題について、まず 3、4 人の小グループで議論させてから、グループごとに話し合った内容を発表してもらうなどして、誰もが議論に参加し、自分の意見を言える環境づくりに努めています。


  • Haslam, P. A., J. Schafer, and P. Beaudet, eds. 2012. Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, and Issues. Second ed. Ontario: Oxford University Press.
  • Haynes, J. 2008. Development Studies. Cambridge: Policy.
  • Willis, K. 2005. Theories and Practices of Development. London: Routledge.
  • Perecman, E. and S. R. Curran, eds. 2006. A Handbook for Social Science Field Research: Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications


1 Introduction: what is development?
2 History of development
3 Theories of development
4 Post-development and alternatives to development
5 Gender and development
6 Globalization and development
7 The state, development agencies, and bilateral aid
8 Multilateral actors in development
9 Civil society and development
10 Environment and development
11 Rural development
12-15 Social Research Methods


第 1~15 回

第 1 回

第 2 回

第 3 回

第 4 回

第 5 回

第 6 回

第 7 回

第 8 回

第 9 回

第 10 回

第 11 回

第 12 回 - 第 15 回


Term paper (70%) and contribution to classroom discussions (30%)


May 10, 2020