講師 | 石川知子 准教授 |
開講部局 | 国際開発研究科 2020年度前期火曜2限 |
対象者 | 法学部・法学研究科、国際開発研究科 院生(博士前期課程) |
This course provides an examination of international law concerning economic globalization, in particular the law on the World Trade Organization (WTO) and related trade and investment agreements as the main aspects of global economic order.It first provides a brief introduction to the history and evolution of the legal framework for trade liberalization and investment protection.It then proceeds to examine WTO law, focusing primarily on the WTO Agreement on Goods (GATT) and on the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU), while a brief overview of topics such as the General Agreement on Services (GATS) and financial services in the GATS as well as intellectual property under the WTO will also be provided.The purposeof this course is for students to obtain both the knowledge of international trade law –including a critical mass of case-law –and the skills which will enable them toanalyze to what extent regulatory measures that have impact on international trade are consistent with these laws.It also provides the basis for the analysis of issues of controversy such as the role of these fields of law in the global legal order.
受講生の多くが留学生であり、彼らはプレゼンテーション、ディスカッションその他の発言の機会を通じた授業への積極的参加を強く希望するため、授業の補完(予習や復習)となるような資料の検討をベースとしたプレゼンテーションやディスカッションの機会を設けるようにしているほか、授業の最後には必ず Q&A の時間をとるようにしています。
July 05, 2021