Studium Generale 2023 Fall

A dinosaur
LecturerMultiple Instructors
DepartmentG30, 2023 Fall
Recommended for:All Nagoya University Students, faculty members and staff

Course Overview

Studium Generale is a unique immersion program into an English-based lecture environment. The course offers exposure to various academic topics presented in an accessible way, and in English.

What's the smell? - A Scent of a Molecule

Date: October 13
Lecturer: Asraa Ziadi
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2018Fall

Science communication and public relations

Date: October 20
Lecturer: Azusa Minamizaki
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2020Spring

The science of shampoo

Date: October 27
Lecturer: Nicola Skoulding
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2021Fall

Automated Delivery Robots as a Service

Date: November 17
Lecturer: Jude Nwadiuto
Handout: handout

Fossil reefs and sea-level change: diving into the past to predict the future

Date: November 24
Lecturer: Marc Humblet
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2020Fall

Date: December 8
Lecturer: Gabor Samjeské
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2020Spring

Adventures in the Nanoworld

Date: December 22
Lecturer: Leigh Canham
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2022Fall

Let's Listen to a Melody from the Universe!

Date: January 19
Lecturer: Seiji Kawamura
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2019Fall

Is Pessimism actually Shortening your Life? Genetics perspective

Date: January 26
Lecturer: Maria Vassileva
Handout: handout

Reposting from Studium Generale 2018Spring


Date Topic Lecturer
10/13 What's the smell? - A Scent of a Molecule Asraa Ziadi(ITbM)
10/20 Science communication and public relations Azusa Minamizaki (Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe)
10/27 The science of shampoo Nicola Skoulding(Graduate School of Science, Department of Chemistry)
11/10 From University to Antarctica, a story about glaciers and life choices Alexa Fabiani(Physics BSc Institute of Transformative bio-Molecules, Nagoya University)
11/17 Automated Delivery Robots as a Service Jude Nwadiuto(Dr.Eng. Nagoya University)
11/24 Fossil reefs and sea-level change: diving into the past to predict the future Marc Humblet(Graduate School of Environmental Sciences)
12/1 Student Projects Workshop
12/8 Global Warming: Beyond the Hockey Stick Controversy Gabor Samjeské(Graduate School of Science/Department of Chemistry)
12/15 Comfortable Human - robot interactions: it's all about emotions! Sarah Cosentino(Waseda University)
12/22 Adventures in the Nanoworld Leigh Canham(University of Birmingham)
1/19 Let's Listen to a Melody from the Universe! Seiji Kawamura(Graduate School of Science, Physics)
1/26 Is Pessimism actually Shortening your Life? Maria Vassileva(Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)
2/3 Course wrap up

*Some lectures used past materials due to the coronavirus countermeasures.
*The affiliations of the lecturers are at the time of giving the lecture.

All Courses

Studium Generale 2024 Fall
Studium Generale 2024 Spring
Studium Generale 2023 Fall
Studium Generale 2023 Spring
Studium Generale 2022 Fall
Studium Generale 2022 Spring
Studium Generale 2021 Fall
Studium Generale 2021 Spring
Studium Generale 2020 Fall
Studium Generale 2020 Spring
Studium Generale 2019 Fall
Studium Generale 2019 Spring
Studium Generale 2018 Fall
Studium Generale 2018 Spring
Studium Generale 2017 Fall
Studium Generale 2017 Spring
Studium Generale 2016 Fall
Studium Generale 2016 Spring

Last updated

October 06, 2023