School of Informatics and Sciences
Takashi WATANABE, Pr …
Last updated: 2020/05/13
(Suspended student application for 2017)
The School of Informatics and Sciences, which consists of the Department of Natural Science Informatics and the Department of Social and Human Science Informatics, was established in October 1993.
Technological progress at an increasing tempo during the last century has come to have much more influence on human life and society. Great progress in information technology, especially computer technology, has contributed greatly to modern civilization. We can now enjoy more comfortable life with modern conveniences. At the same time, due to the increasing availability of a broad range of information from the various worlds of nature and human society, we now realize that we live in a limited and fragile biosphere on earth. We cannot continue economic growth in the same manner as the last century any more. We have to find new ways to improve the quality of human life and carry on with the human development even within the limited environment.
We intend to study the history and systems of nature and those of human society from the viewpoint of informatics, by which we mean the interdisciplinary science that goes beyond computer engineering or information science in a narrow sense and attempt to reach a holistic understanding of Nature and Society as a flow of information. Furthermore we are trying to build a virtual nature and human society on our computer systems. Both kinds of studies contribute to advancing our understanding of the nature of natural and human events that are intimately linked. Based on these interdisciplinary research activities, we offer four-year curricula for the course in Natural Science Informatics and for the course in Social and Human Science Informatics. Two curricula are closely related to each other. The educational program for cultivating the basics of conceptual and practical skills in information processing has been a common basic of our undergraduate courses. Our graduates are expected to be eager to challenge and conquer contemporary problems that are a concern to mankind as a whole.
School of Informatics and Sciences