Field Seminar I
School of Science / Graduate School of Science
Makoto TAKEUCHI, Pro …
Last updated: 2020/05/16
We consider science to be the pursuit of truth as found in the natural world, a world that can be gradually revealed through our intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness. We explore and try to elucidate the myriad mysteries and wonders of nature, and endeavor to learn truth as revealed by nature. At the Graduate School of Science and the School of Science, we strive to "create wisdom through research" and "pass down wisdom through education’ in order to promote the basic scientific understanding of natural principles. We consider science to be the pursuit of truth as found in the natural world, a world that can be gradually revealed through our intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness. We explore and try to elucidate the myriad mysteries and wonders of nature, and endeavor to learn truth as revealed by nature. At the School of Science and the Graduate School of Science, we strive to "create wisdom through research" and "pass down wisdom through education" in order to promote the basic scientific understanding of natural principles. It is the goal of our Schools to cultivate our students’ intellectual curiosity and to train them to approach issues from various perspectives using flexible thinking, advanced expertise, and creativity.
How do we approach research at the Graduate School of Science and the School of Science? We believe that scientific research should be directed towards elucidating the various mysteries and questions encountered in Nature. Pursuit of these truths requires sincerity and humility toward Nature, but it also requires strenuous intellectual effort. Nature does not easily reveal its secrets, and only through careful and diligent intellectual effort can we achieve incremental breakthroughs that increase our understanding of Nature and broaden our views. The excitement and wonder we experience elucidating these mysteries are the major driving forces that motivate us and that ultimately advance scientific research. The Graduate School of Science and the School of Science endeavor to provide an environment where students can tackle global challenges and conduct cutting-edge research. Although many hypotheses and ideas may fail, a vibrant research environment also allows us the opportunity to learn from both failure as well as success, to ponder novel possibilities when our research yields unexpected results, and from these experiences to grow to the next level.
If you believe you have the capacity to identify and solve challenges, the Nagoya University Graduate School of Science and the School of Science are places where you can learn and grow through education and research. Nagoya University boasts a free-spirited culture with a tradition that allows scientific studies in a liberal atmosphere. Our free spirit is founded on equality for all students under a common academic goal and is illustrated daily in discussions between students and instructors on equal ground. This spirit has been passed down throughout our history and still thrives today. Join us in our quest to elucidate the mysteries and wonders of nature.
School of Science / Graduate School of Science