Theory on Media Arts

LecturerKiyofumi MOTOYAMA, Professor
DepartmentSchool of Informatics and Sciences, 2014 Spring
Recommended for:Sophomores and juniors in the school of informatics and science (21.5 hours / session 1 session / week 15 weeks / semester)

media {overview lang="en" header="Course Overview"}

Key Features

  • Viewing Art Works at The Project Gallery 「clas」
  • Lectures by artists and directors

Course Aims

  1. To know and understand media art
  2. To acquire visual literacy
  3. To gain insight on media and expression in contemporary art
### Contents This course is a lecture on media art, art closely related to electronic media (visuals, computers, the internet, and other forms of electronic media). We'll also focus on contemporary art, the possibilities and problems that face associated media, and visual literacy, an important communications tool in the electronic society.
  1. What is "Media Art"? 2. Why Media Art? _ Communication in an electronic society _ Visual Literacy 3. Media and Expression in Contemporary Art _ The Past and Present of Photography _ The Diversity of Video works _ "Digital" and "Interactive" _ Body and Sensory Design
Each lecture is focused on a certain theme. Main contents are based on photos and videos. If possible, I would also like to invite some artists for a session

Assignments in the course

Note: All files are in Japanese. _ Several paper assignments on art exhibits in and outside of this university _ Report on New Era Photography _ Report on Noriko Tanaka _ Report on Midoriko Hayashi _ Report on Takuji Okagawa Workshop _ Report on Art Video (examination)

Course Schedule

Session Contents
1 Introduction: What is "Media Art?"
2 Photography as Contemporary Art
3 Lecture by Artist Noriko Tanaka "Art and Food"
4 Media Art: Short History
5 Arts & Pub, Ad and Artists
6 Warhol, Words and Films and a little more
7 Art of New Media, Interaction, Participation, Body
8 Media-conscious Contemporary Art
9 Talk session by Animation Director Midoriko Hayashi, Viewing of some animation works
10 Hard-Core of Video Works
11 The Media Society and Art
12 Talk session and workshop by Artist Takuji Okagawa
13 Vision & Aveugle

Lecture Handouts

Note: All files are in Japanese. Areas of the documents may be deleted due to copyright issues.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

Session 7

Session 8

Session 10

Session 13


Evaluation will be based on the following:

  • Assignment-style examination
  • Assignment papers announced during sessions
  • Worksheets turned in during sessions

Last updated

May 08, 2020