Goals of the Course
This course is intended to develop students' listening comprehension skills for longer audio segments and learn how to make simple academic presentations. The course designed to promote understanding of the way of basic presentations.
Japanese version is below:
アカデミック日本語1 B
Objectives of the Course
At the end of the lecture, students are to
(i) understand the way of basic
(ii)be able to give a presentation in pertinent vocabulary and expressions in the academic situation.
Ingenuity in Classroom
Students will develop listening comprehension of academic Japanese and be able to give presentations in Japanese. The level is about JLPT N3.
Students will develop listening comprehension of long and short sentences from textbooks and phonetics. Students will also practice speaking through one-minute speeches, group discussions, and four presentations.
Students will also learn about Japanese culture and customs through listening comprehension and conversation practice.
Course Contents or Plan
- Prepare and perform four or five short speeches
-talking about yourself
-expressing your opinion
-introducing your favorite place
- Other topics will be informed in the class and TACT.
- Listening comprehension pract ice and small quizzes.
- The detailed schedule will be attached on TACT and distributed in the class.
Class materials are designed for lower level intermediary students.
Students are required to have finished Basic Japanese Courses.
Approximate language level: JLPT N4 or higher
Course Evaluation Method and Criteria
- Attendance & Class Participation: 15%, Assignment Speech drafts & Listening worksheets): 20%, In Class Short Speech 40%, UNCT tests (Listening Comprehension) 10%, Final Examination (Presentation): 15%
- Students will be graded following the six step grad e scale: A+, A, B, C, C and F based on GPA (Grade Point
Average) system.
- Students who withdraw from this course must notify the instructor in charge.
- If a student is absent from classes more than 4 times, the grade will be “Absent.”
Study Load (Self directed Learning Outside Course Hours)
- Students should download materials through TACT and check some assignments on it before the class starts.
- Students are required to do four five-minute speeches in the semester.
- Students must prepare for presentat ions outside of the class hours and submit self assessments after their presentation.
Will be introduced in the class.
Reference Book
Class Materials
- What is a presentation?
- Essential expression of a presentation
- Mt. Fuji
- Hidden Christian
- Gorilla's diet
- Hot springs in Tokyo
- Traffic lights
One-minute Speeches
- Self-introduction
- Desert island
- When you get old
- If it weren't the Internet.
- Places to go for spring break

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Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.