Business Japanese III

LecturerKATO Jun, Lecturer
DepartmentG30, 2024 Fall
Recommended for:Undergraduate in G30 all program

Goals of the Course

The aim of the course is intended to develop the Japanese language skills required by Japanese companies and Japanese- affiliated companies overseas, as well as to improve cross- cultural understanding.

Objectives of the Course

Specifically, the course aims to help students acquire the following abilities

  1. Acquire business Japanese language skills that can be used in the workplace and enable them to perform their duties smoothly.
  2. To be able to use the acquired knowledge appropriately not only in the workplace, but also in academic situations and daily life.
  3. Learn Japanese expressions for job interviews and presentations, and accurately convey one's own abilities.

Course Content or Plan

The semester will cover the latter half of the textbook as following:

Lesson 1: Expressions of Self-Introduction / Thinking about Career path
Lesson 2: Gathering Information / Making an Inquiry (Visiting) / Honorific Expressions 1.
Lesson 3: Applying for an internship / Making an Inquiry (Telephoning) / Honorific Expressions 2.
Review on polite forms -part 3 & Job Interview Practice -part 2.
Lesson 4: Participate in Company Information Sessions / Asking Questions
Lesson 5: Job Interview 1 / Writing the Entry Sheet (1) Contents
Lesson 6: Job Interview 2 / Writing the Entry Sheet (2) Expressions
Lesson 7: Group Discussion
Lesson 8: Mid-term Exam and Reflection
Lesson 9: Business E-mail
Lesson 10: Writing a Report
Lesson 11: Having Meeting 1 Stating an Opinion
Lesson 12: Having Meeting 2 Preparing for a Presentation
Lesson 13: Presentation 1
Lesson 14: Presentation 2
Lesson 15: Final Exam

Teaching tips

When students hear "business Japanese," many may think that honorific language is difficult or that they need to learn company rules. Indeed, many commercially available textbooks emphasize practicing how to speak and behave in corporate settings.

However, before focusing on those aspects, it’s important to study Japanese while preparing for job hunting or further education, especially if you're considering working for a Japanese company. In this course, while gathering information and asking questions about job hunting and work-related topics, you will reflect on your own career path. Through activities such as writing entry sheets, participating in group discussions, and attending mock interviews, the goal is to improve your Japanese language skills.

By learning in this class, I hope you can apply the Japanese skills you’ve developed so far to your career development.

Additionally, the textbook used in this course, "Career Support Handbook for Business Japanese," is designed not only for classroom use but also for self-study. During class, students will participate in practical activities such as case studies and group discussions, working together to exchange ideas. I strongly recommend joining the class, as participating in classroom activities will offer more learning opportunities.

  • Students are expected to have basic knowledge of honorifics.
  • Students are expected to participate actively in class activities throughout the course.

Course Evaluation Method and Criteria

Students who need the course credits are required to meet the following conditions:
Mid-term exam 20%, Final exam 20%, Assignments 30%, Active participation 30%
TOTAL 100%

Students do not need to submit a Course withdrawal Request for course withdrawal.

  • Attendance of at least 80% is required. For those who be absent from class more than 4 times, will receive "W” grades.
  • No attendance of the final examination leads to “W” grades.
  • In the case of no submission of assignments and insufficient attendance rate, an “F” will be given even if you take the final examination.

Study Load (Self-directed Learning Outside Course Hours)

  • It is strongly recommended to review the materials outside of the class, since the period of class is limited.

How to Respond to Questions

You can contact the instructor through Message function on TACT or directly contact at the e-mail address.

Notice for Students

  • The progress and contents of the lesson may change depending on the situation.


Course materials will be distributed in class.

Reference Book

To be informed in class.

Reference Website for this Course

To be informed in class.

Lecture materials

『ビジネス日本語キャリア支援ハンドブック/Career Support Handbook for Business Japanese』
*This textbook is available only from the Nagoya University portal site.

This lecture is provided under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Last updated

August 27, 2024